Loan Sharks Online


Need money ? Have bad credit ? Is no one willing to lend to you ? Then loan sharks in NZ might be your answer. We have sourced out some of the best personal loan lenders in New Zealand who are willing to lend to you even if you have bad credit or on a benefit

Loan Sharks In NZ

Loan Sharks will lend to you even if you have bad credit. We have listed some of the best Online Loan Shakes in NZ


Loans from loan sharks are designed for short term use only. It will come with high rates and fees.

Apply for Loans

When applying for loans from loan sharks in NZ, make sure to read the fine print. Find out the total cost of loan with fees and rates before sending loan applications online

Loan Sharks Online

We have sourced out some of the best loan sharks in NZ. Please read their terms and conditions before applying for a loan. 


Seed Cash

Seed cash offers short term loans to you even if you have bad credit. They offer payday cash loans online. 

Seed cash offers short term loans from $100 up to $1500 

  • Loan Fees : From $175
  • APR : 49.95%
  • Loan Term : Up to 36 Months 

Payday Advance

Payday Loans offers Fast Cash Loans Up To $1000. They offer short term loans even if you have bad credit

Payday advance offers loans from $100 to $1000

1 %
Fees From
$ 1
1 Months


Loan sharks based online are easy to find and can help you when you need fast cash loans. Applications and agreements are done online so it reduces time of when you can get your money. Proceed with caution when dealing with online loan sharks. read fine print and only apply when you know exact cost of the loan
Loan Shark Loans
Loan Researcher